Among land mammals > 20 LBs:
Common physical characteristics of Omnivores that we lack
Omnivores :
1. Are long (length) and short (height). * We
are Tall, like giraffes, gazelles, kangaroos, camels, llamas and
Q: How come we are the only omnivore that is Tall?
2. Have Four (4) long sharp conspicuous zigzagging canine
teeth. * Our teeth are flat and look like horse and
cow's teeth.
Q: How come we are the only
omnivore without 4 long sharp zigzagging canine teeth? How come
our teeth are flat and look like horse and cows’ teeth?
3. Have a short gestation period. * Our gestation period is 9 Months, just like a cow, gorilla, or orangutan.
Q: If we are omnivore, why does our gestation period match the cow’s gestation period (9 Months) ?
4. Give birth to multiple (>3) babies at once. * Like other herbivores we give birth to 1 baby at a time.
Q: If we are omnivores, why do we give birth to one baby at a time like Herbivores ?
5. Based on photos, among apes (our cousins), the more meat in the diet, the smaller the body and brain.
6. Have high % of Protein in their milk. * Human breast milk has the lowest % protein of all herbivores.
The human brain grows and develops fastest during the first 6 months of life.
The Best food for a human baby is human breast milk
which has the Lowest % Protein of all animals, even less than
Herbivores - less than 1% by weight, for Comparison cow's milk has 3
times more protein than human breast milk.
Q: If we are
omnivores and protein is so vital & essential for our brain’s growth and
development, then how come during the period of fastest brain growth
and development (0 to 12 months age, a baby), the human breast milk
(best food for a baby) has the lowest % protein of all animals - even
less than other herbivores (< 1% by weight) ?
Would it not be logical to conclude a reverse correlation between amount of protein in diet & brain size (see #5 above) ?